Our Home Town
Various legends surround the town of Montepulciano and even more numerous and original are those concerning Vino Nobile di Montepulciano. The town is certainly Etruscan in origin, as demonstrated by the countless archaeological findings in the area surrounding the Fortress.
The town was likely founded by noblemen from the nearby Etruscan town of Chiusi, who sought refuge on the high hill (605m a.s.l) during barbarian invasions. This is believed to be the origin of its name: “Mons Politus” (Mountain of the Nobles) by the Etruscans, which later became “Mans Politianus.” The earliest reliable document referencing the town by this name dates to 715. The town we see today—known as the ’16th-century gem’—gained its splendor from its longstanding allegiance to Florence over Siena. In return, Florence sent its leading Renaissance artists to work here.
Thus famous architects like Antonio da Sangallo Il Vecchio, Michelozzo Michelozzi, Baldassarre Peruzzi, Jacopo da Vignola and Ippolito Scalza have left their indelible mark on this small city making it one of the most beautiful artistic towns in Tuscany. The legends surrounding the wine made here are particularly original, but sadly lacking in reliable historical documentation.
The oldest legend regarding the production of fine quality wine in these hills dates back to the Etruscans. lt seems that when the wealthy Lucumo Porsenna realized that a powerful neighboring Lucumo was seducing his beautiful wife, he sent wine made in Montepulciano to the warlike Gauls to convince them to come to his aid and conquer this generous land. Was this the birth of France’s passion for wine? The only certain thing is that knowledge of the fine quality of this area’s wines goes back many centuries, and the strong links between the people of Montepulciano and their most famous product have never been broken.